Conformal Coating Remover Gel
CCRG is a thixotropic gel which has been specifically formulated to remove solvent resistant conformal coatings.
Product Codes
CCRG01L - 1L Bulk
Product Description
CCRG conformal coating remover gel is a thixotropic gel which has been specifically formulated to remove Electrolube’s solvent resistant coatings: DCA, DCB, DCR, DCRT, DCE, WBP WBPS and PUC. The product does not contain methylene chloride.
CCRG conformal coating remover gel will not generally damage metals; however, there may be some corrosion on ferrous metals if materials are soaked for prolonged periods. CCRG will attack several plastics and also remove component identification markings if prolonged exposure is permitted. Where possible, a compatibility test with sensitive plastics should be conducted prior to full-scale use. A removal solvent (RRS) is also supplied, should a liquid product be required. CCRG is highly flammable so care must be taken when using this material. Refer to the SDS and TDS for additional information.
Key properties
- Thixotropic gel specially formulated to remove Electrolube's solvent resistant coatings
- Allows localised removal of components
- Can be used in conjunction with RRS, Resin Removal Solvent for complete coating removal
- Water rinsable
- Does not contain methyulene chloride